At the house packed screening of a classic short film āSaari Raatā Directed/acted by Parimal Alok with Paru Gambhir at Press Club Mumbai, on Friday 24th Jan 2014, with Sudha Arora, R.K. Paliwal, Devmani Pandey, Dolly Thakore, Baljeet Kumar Lall and other luminaries like Geeta Dass, Jain Kamal etc. This half an hour film...
Year of the Horse: 2014
Year of the Horse: 2014...
Friends, ladies and gentlemen, Let me confess right in the beginning, I am not here to deliver a speech, because I am not a great orator. I cannot give you any new info on the global water crisis since I am not a professional conservationist. In fact, I do not even know how a...